Monday, May 27, 2013

Just thoughts

I have been thinking, in all honestly I like many other people have dreams and desires.  There are so many things I look forward to and there are some things I have on my bucket list of life (like a biking cheese tour in Europe).  But I don't want my desires for the future to hinder my enjoyment of the present.  Yes it is very good to dream and go for them, but I don't want to forget that life is now.  I may not enjoy me dreams if I can't enjoy the blessings I have.  Yes there are rough days and yes life is not always easy.  In fact it is easy to focus on our struggles and our desires for the future and miss our joys of the present.  This is why I am doing this blog, to help me focus on the small moments each day that bring a smile to my face.  True many of my dreams have not been achieved yet (ie I have not finished my PhD completely, but I am closer than I have been before), but I need balance, we all do.  I need to balance my dreams of the future with my life in the present.  Why would God spend time to create a beautiful world if He did not want us to also enjoy it?  We need dreams.  I need dreams, they define a part of who I am, but I also need to enjoy the present because one day my dreams will be the present and I may not recognize them.  It is living with an eye toward the future and a heart in the present.

So little reminders of joys of the present is the joy of reading a good book and having an annoying headache finally go away.  Granted I have been doing a lot of reading good books (even staying up until 7am to finish a good book), but those are things that I enjoy as well.

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