Wednesday, June 19, 2013

wammy of delight

You may wonder at this point if I enjoy many other things besides running and eating/cooking, but if you do wonder the answer is yes I do enjoy other things but at the moment my focus seems to be trying to become healthier and any enjoyable step in that direction has double happiness.  So yes today's blog is courtesy of running and eating/cooking.

Have you ever read any of the Redwall books by Brian Jacques?  I read several of his books a few years ago.  They were delightful tales about mice, squirrels, otters, rabbits, etc.  One added delight to the books were the description of the meals the animals ate.  My breakfast this morning was delightful in that it reminded me of this series.  I had cornmeal mush with honey, cinnamon, fresh raspberries right off the vine and milk.  It was a triple wammy of delight - delicious, pretty, and reminiscent of a delightful tale.  Maybe even a quadruple wammy of delight since I am fairly sure it was one of the healthier breakfasts I have had.

The other delight was the fact that I ran further than I have in 2 years on my own without walking.  I guess I should say I jogged further and while the distance of 5 miles is not nearly as good as I would like, it is in the right direction so I am proud of myself for my own personal improvement.

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