Friday, July 24, 2009

Enjoy the ride

Today made me happy. It seemed like the perfect small town home life. We went to a pond outside a small town in Utah. There were people swimming, people fishing, people on small blow up boats, people camping, people on rope swings, people outside enjoying life. It was perfect. It was the way you can picture a summer day. I tried something new for the first time, I tried to Kayak all by myself. It was fun. Yeah for trying something new, for improvement, for good outside fun. I also attempted something else new today. I tried a rope swing. It may have been only from the shore into shallow water, but it was a start and it was fun. Being outside and doing new things which help you to achieve are good things. I want to be outside in-shape, I love being outside and I loved those outside activities I did. It is not just about what I will look like but rather the things I want to do and the person I want to be. It is about improving but enjoying it. And becoming and enjoying not just the outcome but the process as well.

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