Monday, July 27, 2009

Water Fights and Hugs

Sometimes we just need a hug. Life may be good or it may be hard but some days we just need a hug. This could be an actual physical hug, it could be a conversation hug, it could be a flowers hug, it could be a spiritual moment hug, it could just be some stranger telling us we look good hug. Today was one of those days. I am grateful for the different hugs I got today. For the actual physical hugs from friends, for the spiritual aha hug, for the kindness from the complete strangers hug. All these seem to make life a little more bearable. Life is hard and we are not intended to make it through on our own. And sometimes we don't need our problems solved at the moment but rather to feel the strength and encouragement to carry on and feel our loads acceptable.
Life's random laughable moments can help us forget our worries just for a moment. I love a good water fight, dumping buckets of water on friends or throwing water balloons or catching them. Life is good when you are wet. (of course not hypothermic)

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